The ultimate battle against Islamist terror has to be fought by the Muslims themselves, for they are its biggest potential victim.
Center for Cybersecurity Operations is proposed to protect military, government, and corporate electronics from criminals and other nations
'Through the different ups and downs of my country, India has played a great positive role. The Afghan and Indian people should know this,' says Afghan Ambassador Masood Khalili.
Even seventeen years after the government adopted the new economic policy the ICAI is yet to come to terms with the changing times and changed circumstances
The parallel ICL has provided financial security for the innumerable cricketers who didn't make it to the big league.
The Dark Knight is a fantastic take on an iconic superhero, brings noir to the world of the Batcave, and features one of the most instantly revered villains in the history of popular cinema. But now, the hype now isn't just deafening, it's claustrophobic.
Classic motorcycles are human, complete with quirks, character, foibles and habits.
Now that the prime minister has put into his mouth what should have been firmly planted on the ground, if the Pakistanis insist on talking to us about self-determination for Kashmir, lets then also talk self-determination for Baluchistan. presents readers reviews of Koi... Mil Gaya.
Ninth Schedule: Readers' view on SC ruling
As the economy teeters between bad and worse, one question looms: What's the best course of action? Here's what can be done. And what can't
Will Kiyani be able to deliver, if not bin Laden and Zawahiri, at least others such as Mulla Mohammad Omar, the amir of the neo Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, who is the de facto ruler of South Waziristan, and Maulana FM Radio Fazlullah, the de facto ruler of the Swat Valley?
An alternative to oil? Check. Completely green? Check. Economical? Check. So why has the entrepreneur been sued, pilloried, and lampooned?
If you thought the loan documents were just a formality, think again. It is a contract skewed towards the lenders through various clauses buried in the fine print. We help you dig them out
'It is only because we were facing US threats that we were able to successfully develop a nuclear programme of our own.'